Skip Tracing

Are my skip traced results scrubbed against the National Do-Not-Call database?
Question:  Are my skip traced results scrubbed against the National Do-Not-Call database? Answer:  No, we currently do not scrub against the Nat...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:14 PM
Can I use the skip tracing service without a BatchLeads subscription?
Question:  Can I use the skip tracing service without a BatchLeads subscription? Answer:  No, you cannot use our skiptracing service without a subscript...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:11 PM
What is the format required for importing files?
Question: What is the format required for importing files?  Answer: The BatchLeads site requires that your data be in an Excell or CSV Format. The fil...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:15 PM
Pricing for Skip Tracing
Please visit our homepage to see pricing details for skip tracing: Kindly note that trial users do not receive free skip trace credits...
Tue, 11 Jun, 2024 at 11:28 AM
Why is the hit rate low for my imported data?
Question: Why is my hit rate low for my imported data? Answer: A low hit rate can mean a few different things.  There may be an issue with the for...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:24 PM
Where does BatchLeads get its data?
Question: Where does BatchLeads get its data?  Answer: BatchLeads uses a proprietary system that pulls data from multiple credible sources including b...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:28 PM
Do you skip trace entities, such as corporations or LLC's?
Question: Do you skip trace entities, such as corporations or LLC's? Answer: Yes we do skiptrace LLCs. The hit rate will not be as high as when sk...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:28 PM
Which address do we use to run a skip trace?
Question: Which address does BatchLeads use to run a skip trace?  Answer:  BatchLeads will run a skip trace against the mailing address when searching...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:30 PM
What is the Phone Score?
Question:  What is the Phone Score?  Answer: Each phone number has an associated Phone Score, as visible in the Phone Score column when viewing your l...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:31 PM
Should I submit my skip trace with the Mailing or Physical address?
Question:  Should I submit my skip trace with the Mailing or Physical address? Answer: BatchLeads will use the Mailing address first to perform a skip...
Fri, 15 Dec, 2023 at 1:35 PM