BatchDialer's AI Assistant can respond to various reporting questions regarding your account and help address common questions.

Please note: This feature is only available in our Basic and Advanced Plans

To get started, go to "AI Assistant" in your menu.

Then type out what you need help with. You can ask things such as:

  • Who is the best performing Agent today?

  • Which is the best performing Campaign in my BatchDialer account?

  • Provide a breakdown of campaign metrics for [Campaign A]

  • How do I set up a campaign?

  • How do I set up spam monitoring? 

  • Write me a cold calling script for wholesaling real estate.

In the example below, the user asks "Please write me a script for a conversation with a home owner as I am wholesaling real estate. Also include different paths for what to say if they answer yes or no." 

The system will then generate an answer and you can go back and forth asking it to tweak things if you need more information.